Then, if you didn't have an active email or emarketing programme you were in trouble.
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Now if you can't or won't embrace the concept of personalised online engagement you could seriously be missing out.
I recently tested a generic newsletter with an offer to my white list. Compared with 18 months ago the results were really quite a surprise. Open and click through rates were down significantly.
Filters that automatically place emails in smart inboxes have stopped generic messages in their tracks and recipients increasingly will only engage with something that is obviously personalised and relevant.
So back to the test. Same list but now segmented by purchasing history and potential. Each email sent using the name in the individual and their company in the subject line and in the body copy a reference to their company with a specific offer.
The results were impressive.
The problem is the time and resources I now have to invest in making sure my emarketing is up to the required standard.
I'm not convinced that I have the right solution for my size business and I shudder to think of the investment in time and resources that will be required for a large retail company. The problem is that competitors that are able to combine prospect and customer data with personalised communications across all media, will be at a significant advantage over other businesses who just don't have the time, understanding, and money to play by the new rules.
And this is just the start - within 5 years the vast majority of online sales will be conducted via platforms that allow people to see and talk to each other, 24 hours a day, in any language, sharing screen images and information. The businesses that are gearing up for that level of engagement will be in a very dominant position.
How would your business cope if your top 5 competitors improved their engagement strategies and you did nothing?
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at