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Friday, 13 March 2015

Check your online footprint

Our nature is to be inquisitive. It's in built and part of the way we protect ourselves and the people and things we cherish.

When we meet new people, or have to visit new places, or undertake new actions, we try and find out as much as possible to satisfy the organic need to predict possible outcomes.

Not so many years ago we sought the comfort of others as being the only way of finding out more. And still today anyone who we trust who recommends someone, some place, or some product or service, has tremendous influence on our decision making process.

What's online about you or your business today?

But increasingly as we have to make decisions in real time rather than at leisure, we turn to the internet for valuable insight into the people and things we need to know more about.

So what if someone put your name, or your company name into any number of search engines. The easy option is to do it yourself. Check yourself out as if you were someone who wanted to find out more about you.

Check social media, LinkedIn, Google images, Youtube, Shareslide, etc etc. What you find might surprise you, and even if it doesn't surprise you - does your online footprint enhance you or your business?

One check I always run on a business is to put the company name followed by testimonials. What happens when you search using your own name or business details?

The problem we all face, is that increasingly, we are never in the room when a vital decision is being made that could have an impact on our success. We must all manage as best we can our online footprint,  because sometimes that's all we have to create and manage the way we are perceived.

Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at

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