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Monday, 2 March 2015

Why do you buy? And why is it important?

Pretty simple really and it's got nothing to do with selling.  

We should appreciate why people buy and then create communications that help them to buy, not help us to sell more. Selling is old school now - all we have to do is to make it easy to buy.

There are 3 reasons we buy stuff:
  1. Because we need something to solve a personal problem like buying a present for a difficult rich uncle, or a problem that is hindering business development, or a problem that we think we have
  2. Because we want something to make us feel better or something we perceive will enhance us
  3. Because we just want something new - it's been found that over 40% of people wandering around a shopping mall are there because they want to find something to want!
Why do we like a deal? Even when we didn't want one

So how should you arrange your key messages to your existing and prospective customers or clients?
  • First by thinking about your product or service delivers for people - what fears does it deal with, what desires or aspirations are fulfilled, and what  simple or complex frustrations are going to be solved
  • Second you need to create a single or perhaps multiple set of easy to understand statements that are people can engage with. Not just about factual things like price and performance but critically on how people feel when then use your product or service
  • Third on the list is what is the best media to use to reach out or provide people with these messages. Here you need to understand the difference between inbound and outbound messages, they are very different
  • Lastly - make sure you have a way of listening to what your customers want. And if you can't find out by listening find out by asking!
Over the next few days I'm going to be sharing some research I've just  completed on the impact that online will be having on various parts of the services sector. It appears we are just at the start of this online revolution - oh joy

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

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