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Monday, 10 August 2015

What Jeremy Corbyn can teach every marketer

Jeremy Corbyn is currently one of four politicians who want to lead the Labour Party. For those readers outside the UK the Labour Party is the official opposition party in the House of Commons, facing down the Conservative Party who have a small but workable majority.

Could this man hold the secret of marketing success?
But you don't need to know anything about UK politics to learn from Corbyn when it comes to marketing communications.

He's successful because of 3 important factors:

  1. He's genuine - he really and truly believes in what he says
  2. He's not soundbite driven - he says it how he feels, he does not have any alternative audience he has to appease
  3. He's perceived as a leader and not a follower - he is someone anyone will follow regardless of their political persuasion or class loyalties - he has a universal appeal 
As a marketer or someone who is responsible for communicating your company's products or services this translates into 3 principles you must follow:
  • If you are trying to con customers with a crap product or service you will fail
  • If your value proposition sounds false you will fail
  • If your product or service has very limited appeal, you will fail
Please take a long hard look at your product or service. If you are failing to win new business or retain existing clients stop blaming sales and start asking yourself some difficult questions! 

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