
Copy - Content - Marketing Communications Planning

Friday, 9 April 2021

Covid Copywriting - 5 things to consider


It’s increasingly clear that the Covid 19 pandemic has changed the world we live in at a fundamental level. Covid has given almost everyone on the planet an opportunity to rethink the way they perceive the world around them.

What does this mean for copy and content creators?

Well I’m sure we can all agree that to ignore the new “reality” we all find ourselves in is not a sensible or viable option. We are all consumers; we have all changed the way we make consumer choices. Some have been placed upon us through new rules and regulations, but I believe the most important changes copy creators must consider are those which govern the way everyone now perceives their world.

Here are 5 things to consider if you are planning to communicate with your clients, key influencers, or employees.

Risk – Just reflect on how the real and perceived level of risk to the individual has changed. Risk levels have an impact on choice and willingness to invest in new ideas, processes, or products.

Trust – Pre Covid if you required an audience to change the way you, or your company, or your market sector was perceived the level of trust was understood. Just think about used car salesmen and politicians for example – it was the considered wisdom they both had a level of trust which was manageable. Covid has changed that – for example national airlines have taken action which has altered the way they can be trusted, especially by their current and future employees, and customers.

Awareness – All sizes of companies are going to have to show they are fully aware the world has changed. Digging out a successful marketing communications strategy from a few years ago will just look out of place. It is obvious when TV commercials are still aired with 2019 content- it will be the same for all online and offline marketing collateral.

Empathy – Not just a softer tone of voice, but a clear understanding of the needs of your target audience. When putting offers to the market for example you may need to consider extended low interest credit options together with extended guarantees.

Integrity – Do you know how you or your company / organisation is perceived? What do your employees think about the company or organisation they work for? Is fairness and transparency clearly part of the values that guide decision making? Do you have a statement on the rights of individuals to be recognised regardless of their age, sexuality, creed, religious affiliations, and gender identity? These are very important issues and your communications need to reflect the changes that are happening. Covid 19 has created a new space that has given permission for major structural changes to society to be discussed and faced up.

Just 5 things to consider. Undoubtedly there are going to more. How many have you considered in the past 24 hours?

At the time of writing April 2021, there is clearly a long way to go with the Covid pandemic. If you would like to explore any of the themes in this article please contact  me

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