
Copy - Content - Marketing Communications Planning

Thursday, 2 July 2015

How do your customers decide when making a purchase decision?

You know your product or service offer better than anyone else - or you should do!

You know what makes your product or service different and special  - or you should do!

You are responsible for making sure you have a clear value proposition that can be easily understood by your new and existing customers. Those purchasers need to make a purchase decision in your favour - and you need to help them every step of the way.

What information do your customers need before they buy from you?

Just for the next few minutes put yourself in that prospective purchasers position. Write down all the motivations that they might have, what they are looking for, the significance of price and availability etc.

Make sure you include if they might need to take others into the decision making process. Perhaps they might need credit, or perhaps they might need to be sure you have a sound business platform before they buy from you!

Also consider if this purchase for them is a risk. What guarantees would you expect to find?

What you will find is that in most cases the number of factors that could impact on the purchase of your goods or services are many and varied.

Now the problem is that before the internet gave us access to perceived unlimited information, if a prospect was unsure they would contact you and ask questions.

Now if you don't have the information on your website, in the vast majority of cases


That's why it's imperative you put yourself in the buyers position and make sure your online presence both static (website) and dynamic (social media) deals with all the information needs your new and existing customers need.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

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