
Copy - Content - Marketing Communications Planning

Monday, 3 December 2012

Do you sound right?

How's your audio logo?

When you pitch up to an event or meet a prospect for the first time are you aware of how you are perceived?

It's a critical part of how others value you in the long run and early perceptions can take a long time to change. So do you have a set of language routines that you can use at a drop of hat that give people the comfort they need to open up and trust you.

I'm convinced that all this noise about social media this and social marketing that is nothing more than an extension of this process. So you have to have a set of messages that are supportive of how you actually sound when real people meet with you.

It's not easy and you have to very careful to be consistent and credible. It's certainly getting harder if you are a prize bull shitter. Prize bull shitters leave nothing behind them but a nasty smell - I know I've worked with some classic smoke and mirror merchants all of which have "moved on".

You have to be able to do what you say you can do, and then your audio logo will be supported by a great online track record based on real evidence.

So just think about how you sound - and make a few changes.

A good place to start is stop focusing on  what you do and start focusing on the impact you have on individuals and organisations.

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